I dare say the period of my absence here was the most eventful part during this exchange. Many trips once again. Concerts. More clubbing. More alcohol consumption. Shelf full with empty bottles. Reminisced the good ol' days in Muenster last year. More mileage on the Autobahn. Shattering speed records with a 1.3 liter car. Completed my itenary of Germany after Berlin. Forget about Hamburg. Rediscovered Munich in the right perspective. Many friendships bounded closer. More walls being torned down. Rediscovering myself even more through friends here. Learnt new recipes to cook. Started having programming lab in school. Henry gone to Barca. My longer hair is getting hideous. Gained weight. 2 sides of my pocket became lighter. Right side, because of less money. Left side, my Nokia 6280 has gone crazy, so I had to change to my old spare small Sony Ericson handphone.
No wonder I didn't have time to blog.
I found from sitemeter.com that I had almost 200 visits the past 2 weeks of my absence. I may brag about this, but that means 200 dissapointments for the past 2 weeks. But, I'll take the chance to appreciate the visits by various places recently(very surprising!) like, Germany, Malaysia, Singapore, US sometimes(California), Italy!, Australia(Perth, Sydney and Melbourne), United Kingdom!, and once, Thailand! Thank you. Thank you. These visits are like continuous support for me in keeping me motivated in the blogging culture, which something I hated last year. **Those attention seeking bastards.** =)
The question is... will I update these events as backdated post? Only time will tell..
Today, we went to Germany's Legoland.
Just click on the picture to link to the photo gallery.
29.50 Euros entry to this amusement park which is 1.5 hours away from Munich. Mediciore rides. No, the rides/rollercoaster are not made of Lego bricks! But great presentation of anything they could produce from Lego bricks. Clearly, the smartest and most innovative toy company in the world. Still manage to sell their overpriced toy, that is made of cheap materials to adults and old people, like me who bought a 60 Euro Lego Batmobile.
How am I gonna bring this big box back home? I haven't thought about it yet. =)
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