After going to some world famous places like Salzburg, Vienna and Venice, I settled for a somewhat unique and different trip to an island. Ruegen Island is only famous for being the largest island in Germany. It's located in the north of Germany. So, it took 11 hours to reach there and we had to depart at 620 am!
There's the regular 4 of us. The train towards our last stop was only 2 carriages long. This shows how remote Ruegen Island is. 4 of us met in the subway station before we meet the rest at 6 am.
Incidentally, the night before we left, there was a huge Studentenstadt Culum, something like beer+concerts+sausages+kebabs+games festival right at my doorstep.

1 of the concerts. I decided to sleep early cos of the fear of missing the train. But, the other 3 partied on until much later. Apparently, while I was sleeping, they had some beer drinking duel on each other. Girls should know that challenging guys in alcohol drink is always futile. So, poor Wilson the guy had to take care of them by bringing them up to the hostel to sleep and then wake one of them who was drunk up single handedly, while I had my sweet sleep. Kudos to Wilson!
So our trip went without a hitch.
We checked into our hostels. 5 beds. 2 double-deckers. Wilson is so happy being on top sleeping. While I prefer bottom.
We took a stroll around Ruegen's finest parks. Check out the ripples. No inteference sia.
A little R&R.
Is this pespective trick? She may be small, but lets see if we compare with my height.

Hmm.. maybe there's no trick afterall. Btw.. Jialin is a full time student in Munich. Not an exchange student like us. So don't mess with her German. She's in the same spanish class as me.
Hmm.. maybe there's no trick afterall. Btw.. Jialin is a full time student in Munich. Not an exchange student like us. So don't mess with her German. She's in the same spanish class as me.
We also took a boat. Not a cruise like they promised. Oh well, it was fun though.
This is me after the next stop. The rest were still on the boat, and took a photo of me. Yes, it's amazing that my pale-faced and seasick-look still managed to put up a smile and wave at them goodbye. What to do... a man must always show that he's strong from puking on a rocky boat.
There was kareoke session also. There was "Scissor Sisters - Don't feel like dancing" in the machine. But, I failed miserably.
We sat on a steam train for a short thrill.

The best part of the trip: Beach games! Played volleyball and frisbee. I even tried swimming in the sea with some of the juniors. It was so cold that I suggested a survival game, that the last man in the cold water wins. Nah.. I almost win.
Every night there will be card sessions. Mostly bridge. Sometimes asshole-taidi.
The best has to be poker- texas hold'em. (The 1 where James Bond played in casino royale) Instead of using poker chips, we used Haribo Gummy Bears. Innovative huh. No, the winner did not eat them.
Very convenient. Anywhere also can play.
The trip wasn't exactly happening as expected. But, at least I gained some things.
1) Know that many Singaporeans study in Germany. Germany is still popular among middle eastern and China students.
2) Gotta know the current exchange students better. Like Wilson, Jieming, Chong Wee, Yu Cheng and also Grace. Hee..
3) I managed to experience beach life which it's usually unthinkable in Germany.
4) Learnt some tricks in Bridge.
5) Found out that my photography skills need to be improved! Gotta thank Chong Wee again for the photos! The photos taken by others like Chong Wee, Raymond and Jieming are great! For instance, the 3rd picture of this post (the pier) was taken by Jieming. Not me! Wanna see mine?
The angle should be improved. Oh.. wait.. maybe it's because of the person in front! =P
1 comment:
Hi.. I just came across your blog when I was looking for travel info. The post about Ruegen Island was really good to read! I'm thinking about going there on my Germany trip. Which hostel did you stay in??
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